The Twisted Library — November 12, 2015 at 3:45 pm

Sunrise, Sunset: A Room with a Different View


One constant that occurs every day is the rising and setting of the sun. However, that same constant changes each day: no sunrise or sunset is the same. Each new day is a new beginning. In Sunrise, Sunset: 52 Weeks of Awe & Gratitude, book publicist and writer, Kim Weiss, uses photography to share this message.

“When I see the sun rise, no matter what is going on in my life, I know that life continues. Maybe I’m grieving the loss of a close family member or pet, or I’m anxious or fearful of something coming up in my day; the sunrise reminds me there is always a new beginning. Now. And Now. And Now.” – Joanne McCall (11)

Each beautiful photograph in the book was taken by Weiss from her 14th story window. According to Weiss, “My real motivation was merely to capture the sense of awe I felt each time I either woke up to witness a beautiful sunrise or later in the day when the sun was setting in the west.” Next to each photograph is a poem or observation about the power and meaning of a rising or setting sun.

Especially with the approaching cold weather, this book is perfect companion for your coffee table. Curl up on your couch, grab a warm mug of tea, and let the beautiful images of the sun warm you up!

“Sunrise brings a chance to begin again, to smooth ruffled feathers, quiet doubt, and once more consider the possibility of joy.

“Sunset is an exhalation, a softening of the day’s intent, as our plans and schemes slip into the deep dreams of the heart.” – Gloria Loring (19)

Twisted Talk: Do you have a gorgeous view of the sun each day? What are you grateful for? Discuss below!

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